Support is not in words, but in deeds: a professor from the Berlin University of Applied Science came to NUFT

26 september 2023

Support is not in words, but in deeds: a professor from the Berlin University of Applied Science came to NUFT

Our brave colleague and friend, Stefan Junge, Professor of the Berlin University of Applied Science, came to Kyiv to meet with friends and discuss future cooperation.

We have five years of intensive cooperation. On the initiative of the professor, students of the Engineering and Technical Institute constantly interns in scientific centers, universities and enterprises in Germany, Finland and Spain; participate in international packaging competitions, continue their studies at the master's degree at the Berlin University of Applied Science.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Stefan gave shelter for our students who were fleeing from the russian occupiers in Germany.

At the meeting the staff of the Department of Machines for Food and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, and the Institute's administration we were pleased with past achievements and discussed even more intense plans - future student internships, Stefan Junge's lectures in Kyiv, and trips to Ukraine.

The teachers together with the students have shown the guest our Hero City from the inside: the real Kyiv, with deep wounds, but courageous, proud, optimistic, ready to meet Victory and blossom again. We walked through the quiet streets and courtyards along Volodymyrska Street, looked at the patched-up sites of Russian rocket landings on the playground in Shevchenko Park; arranged a photo session near the part of the Berlin Wall opposite the German Embassy; and under the Mykhailivskyi Monastery, at the "exhibition" of broken russian machines and missiles, where we felt pride in our Armed Forces.

We went to the legendary "E" bookstore behind the National Opera, where presented Stefan with an interesting publication about Ukrainian cuisine, and over a cup of coffee dreamed of future meetings. After riding the funicular and running through Podil, we moved from the city center to its outskirts, where the spirit of today is more palpable. The trip was ended in an original way - a retro train, wobbling and roaring menacingly, took the whole company through the forest to Puscha-Vodytsia.

And on a warm autumn evening, a friendly team escorted Professor Stefan Junge to his train to Berlin.

Now we look forward to the next meetings!

Published on: 26-09-2023
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