Scientific Research Department [ожидает перевода]

Head of the Scientific and Reserch Department
Shevchenko Oleksandr Yukhymovych
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
tel./fax (044) 289-60-00


PROVISIONS on Scientific and Research Department of the NUFT View


  • Department of Organization and Commercialization of Research and Technology Transfer
  • Scientific and Technical Center «Design and technology of agro-industrial complex»

The development of the modern economy, based on fundamental scientific knowledge, requires the training of a new generation of researchers and highly qualified specialists for knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, ready to innovate in a market economy. Therefore, an important component of the university is research, which is concentrated in the Scientific and Research Department (SRD)

The SRD- a structural association of university research units and five scientific and technical centers (Scientific and Technical Center for Energy Problems in the Food Industry; Scientific and Technical Center for Design and Technology of the Agro-Industrial Complex; Scientific and Technical Center "Sugar Technology"; Technical Center of Machines and Technologies of Food Packaging; Center for Quality Assessment of Raw Materials and Finished Products), departmental creative groups of scientific and technical workers on the implementation of economic contract issues, as well as the department of organization and implementation.

Today, scientists of the university in close cooperation with engineers and technicians of enterprises, scientists of design and research institutes solve important problems of the food industry.

Research work at the Kyiv Technical Institute named after A.I Mikoian was organized and held from the first days of its existence, strengthening from year to year organizationally and qualitatively.

The staff of the institute has always strived for the collective solution of scientific issues, as it contributed to the rapid solution of the most difficult problems.

Thus, in 1931, at the initiative of the Departments of Machines and Apparatus, Technology of Sugar Substances and Heat Engineering in the institute was organized a bureau of technical assistance to industry, and in May 1934 by order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Comrade. A.I Mikoian (order №1229 of May 5, 1934) Alcohol Department of the All-Ukrainian Research Institute of Enzymatic and Fruit and Vegetable Industry was transferred to the institute as a special research sector of the SRS on alcohol.

This reorganization was caused by the need to concentrate scientific and pedagogical staff in the alcohol industry to conduct research, assist in the reconstruction of enterprises and train qualified alcohol engineers for newly established large alcohol factories and the reconstruction of old with backward technology and equipment.

The SRS carried out its scientific activity with the help of full-time researchers, as well as involving the teaching staff of KTIFI. A large number of students also took part in the work of the SRS, who independently developed scientific topics and prepared scientific reports at the institute and at enterprises.

The sector provided practical assistance to manufacturing enterprises. Thus, only in 1935/36, 8 brigades were sent to provide assistance to enterprises in the industry. One of them took part in the reconstruction of the “Khutorok” distillery in the North Caucasus, the other implemented a number of innovation proposals at the Vinnytsia and Nemyriv sugar factories, and the third contributed to the development of the Boguslav sugar factory in Belarus.

Scientific and experimental work in SRS was performed in technological, microbiological, production control and other laboratories, as well as in production conditions at distilleries.

Under the SRS, a small experimental alcohol factory was established, which provided the processing of starchy raw materials to obtain raw alcohol - 20-25 dal per day. The team of SRS researchers successfully solved important problems of alcohol production, which arose in the process of reconstruction of industry during the first five years of industrialization of the country. The scientific management of the SRS on alcohol was headed by prof. A.A. Fuks and A.A. Kirov, who made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology of alcohol production and brought up a large group of qualified specialists in the alcohol industry.

The main areas of work of SRS were:

  • Intensification of production processes in order to increase the productivity of alcohol factory by 30-40%.
  • Organization of systematic accounting of technological and microbiological control of production at factories, assistance to factory laboratories in organizing their work.
  • Expansion of the raw material base of the alcohol industry, introduction of new types of raw materials: chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, sorghum and development of methods for their processing.
  • Ways to reduce losses in alcohol production.
  • Development of methods for continuous boiling of starch-containing raw materials.
  • Development of new methods and devices, laboratory and remote, to control the production process.
  • Study and development of methods of rational use of waste in alcohol production.
  • Study and detection of effective yeast strains for alcohol production.
  • Providing alcohol factory with pure cultures of the most effective strains of yeast and lactic acid bacteria.

The SRS project team completed several projects of new alcohol factories. The latest achievements of SRS research were used in the design of new and reconstruction of old alcohol factories. SRS researchers regularly went to alcohol factories to assist in setting up production, introducing new methods of technology and production control. This was necessary because at that time the d alcohol factories lacked qualified engineering and technical personnel.

During the seven-year period of its activity (1934-1941), SRS on alcohol was performed on about 90 scientific works, most of which were introduced into production with a significant economic effect. During this period, the SRS staff published 20 articles and published two collections of microbiological experiments and one collection of technological production of alcohol from molasses and starch raw materials, four researchers defended their dissertations.

The invasion of Nazi invaders in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War led to the fact that a large number of works performed and reporting information on them was destroyed along with other values of the institute.

During the Great Patriotic War, when scientific activity in Kyiv was partially suspended, a group of SRS employees was sent to an important defense base of acetone-butyl production in the East. A research sector for acetone-butyl production was established at the Talytsky plant (the order on Golovspirt of April 13, 1942 under item 143). The results of this activity of scientists helped the industry to quickly start and master the production of solutions that are essential for the country's defense. These are the works of Malchenko A.L., Ashkynazi A.A., for which they received the State Prizes of the USSR.

After the liberation of Kyiv from the German occupiers by order of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry of the USSR (Order №875 of 3.08.44, KTIFI) was restored scientific and research sector of the alcohol industry at the Kiev Technological Institute of Food Industry, which began in March 1945 (Order № 31 from 23.03.45 KTIFI) under the direction of Z.O Raiev.

Given the great importance of the alcohol industry for the USSR and the necessary assistance to the industry for the restoration and reconstruction of alcohol factories in the postwar period, the USSR Government decided to reorganize the Research Sector for Alcohol at the Kiev Technological Institute of Food Industry named after Mikoian to the branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Alcohol Industry of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry (ARIAIPCFI) of the USSR located in Kyiv (Order №13424-r of 9.11.45).

At that time, the corresponding departments of the institute employed three corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 15 doctors of sciences, 43 candidates of sciences, including 17 professors and 9 associate professors. Thus, for the period from 1930 to 1944 the leading scientists of the institute were:

- prof. Holovin P.V. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Member cor. USSR Academy of Sciences. He dealt with the production of glycerin from beet and sugar production waste. Author of the 51st scientific work;

- prof. Kondak M.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, developed an effective method of modernization of steam boilers of different systems. Upgraded more than 300 installations. He developed a continuous apparatus for boiling raw materials. Author of 45 publications;

- prof. Znamenskyi G.M. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, developed technological schemes for the production of refined sugar. Author of the well-known filtering theory and 73 scientific works;

- Shtokalo I.Z. - Ph.D., specialist in the field of linear differential equations;

- Fuks A.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, one of the first researchers in the field of alcohol industry. Developed a method of chemical and technological control of alcohol production, the author of a two-volume edition. One of the distilleries is named after him.

Archival Reference:

The degree of employment of the teaching staff of the departments of the institute in research activities by years:
1930-1935 - 55%
1935-1940 - 65%
1940-1945 - 76%
1945-1948 - 93%
1948-1950 - 100%

The total number of scientific works performed within the walls of the institute for 20 years since 1930 is 521, of which 251 works were performed in the pre-war years. That is, one pre-war year accounted for 22 scientific papers, and one post-war - 46, and the dominant category of scientific papers were works on production and theoretical topics.

Growth SRW performance by departments:

1930-1935 - 24%
1935-1940 - 29%
1940-1945 - 56%
1945-1950 - 75%

The Committee for the Introduction of New Technology issued 2 copyright certificates, which is 6% - these are works of an inventive nature, issued 98 theoretical works - this is 18.8%. 61 dissertations were defended (23% were completed at the MAFP department). 176 works were introduced into the industry.

For 20 years, the economic efficiency of the introduction into production of research and development amounted to about 100 million Karbovanets.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War in 1946, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law on the Five-Year Plan for the Restoration and Development of the National Economy. Significant funds are allocated for the rise and development of the food industry. Since 1947, commonwealth agreements have been concluded with food industry enterprises. During this period, a continuous vacuum apparatus was created and installed and tested at the Nosovsky Sugar Plant.

For the first time, long-term research plans are being drawn up, which provide for the development of topical scientific problems in the main areas of technical and technological progress in the food industry. Since then, SRS is headed by Professor V.M. Stabnikov. The main scientific directions of research at the departments of the institute were determined, the connections of scientists with the enterprises of the branch, research institutes and design organizations became closer and closer. Under the leadership of the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR                        P.V. Holovin performed fundamental research in the field of theory and practice of technological processes to improve the apparatus of food production.

Among them are research on the theory of diffusion, ion exchange purification, technology for fructose and juices. Professor Popov V.D. studied the processes of heat transfer in vacuum devices, and the development of Professor Stabnikov V.M. and Maltsev P.M. provided an opportunity to improve the technology of fermentation production. Almost the entire teaching staff of the institute took part in scientific research.

The main topics of research performed in SRS were:

  • Research of wear resistance of machine-building materials used in the food industry (Assoc. Prof. Preis G.A);
  • Development of scientific bases of designing of automatic machines of the food industry (docent Kukibnyi AA);
  • The use of oscillations to intensify the processes of the food industry (Assoc. Prof. Burenkov N.G.).

The plan of economic contract work in 1950 included 27 topics amounting to 1 million rubles. In 1956, the staff of the institute developed 17, and in 1960 already 27 topics that were of great economic importance. The five most important topics were included in the research plan of the Ministry of Education of the USSR. The results of much of the research and development have been published in the form of monographs, brochures, and articles. The growth of scientific potential contributed to the development of scientific research and increase its efficiency.

In 1956, 9 doctors and 66 candidates of science worked here, and in 1960 - 11 and 79, respectively. The results of almost 43% of research performed at the institute were implemented in production. Thus, teachers of special equipment departments designed a pumping and testing station, which was implemented at the Salivonkovsky Sugar Plant. A vibrating machine was created at the Department of Processes and Apparatus, which in 1960 was recommended for industrial use.

In 1960, the SRS as a structural unit did not work due to lack of staff.

Archival reference: 

(From the consolidated report on the work of the institute in 1961):
Household contract topics - 59 topics:
20 topics in transition since 1960 - the amount of 39.5 thousand Karbovanets
13 topics - 31.5 thousand Karbovanets were concluded in 1961.
25 topics - transitional for 1962 in the amount of 47.1 thousand Karbovanets.

The total performance of works in 1961 - 118.2 thousand Karbovanets with a plan of 100 thousand rubles. The work was headed by Professor P.S. Tsygankov.

Among the best implemented works are:

  1. Work on the study of processes in the working chamber of baking ovens has improved the quality of bread (Kyiv farm №5, Moscow bagel factory).
  2. A new continuous scheme of dough preparation has been introduced at the Vilnius Bakery.
  3. At the Kyiv Brewery №2, a hydraulic conveyor for intermediate products and production waste has been introduced.

The most important topics developed at the institute:

  • Research of wear resistance of machine-building materials (Assoc. Prof. Price G.A.).
  • Rationalization of alcohol rectification methods (Prof. Stabnikov V.M, Assoc. Prof. Maltsev P.M., Prof. Tsygankov P.S.)

Of the 33 topics completed in 1961, 20 were put into production.

At that time, the SRS staff consisted of young researchers - 6 people; senior laboratory assistants - 2; laboratory assistants - 2. Doctors and professors took part in the scientific work of the SRS - 5; associate professors and candidates of sciences - 35; teachers and assistants - 23; graduate students - 7; senior laboratory assistants - 25 etc.

In the second thirty years of its existence, research work at the institute continued its development.

In the jubilee year, 6 doctoral and 20 candidate dissertations were defended by KTIFI teachers. As a result, the share of specialists with academic degrees among teachers reached 60.1%. According to this indicator, the institute took one of the first places among the universities of the republic. The volume of scientific research in the eighth five-year plan increased 3.5 times compared to the previous period, and the economic efficiency of implementation increased almost 7 times.

During the years of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, 42 author's certificates were received, 436 scientific works were published.

Archival Reference:

According to the plan, in 1963 the works were performed in the amount of 71.8 thousand Karbovanets, in fact, 69.0 thousand Karbovanets were performed, or by 96%. The works were performed on 108 topics.
The following were involved in the research work: 5 doctors of sciences, 21 candidates of sciences, 27 assistants and post-graduate students, 31 teaching and support staff.
The SRS staff consisted of 7 young researchers, 5 mechanics, and 3 laboratory assistants. From 1963 to 1966, Professor V.O. Anistratenko headed the SRS work.

By the end of 1966, the plan already had 130 topics, of which 12 were introduced into production - for a total of 272.6 thousand rubles. At that time, the largest topics were performed at the Kyiv Synthetic Fiber Plant ("Study of pneumatic transport of alkaline cellulose"), Barakovsky Sugar Plant ("Research and development of measures to rationalize the boiler room") and Gnidavsky Sugar Plant ("Research and calculation of heat management").

From 1966 to 1976 the head of the SRS was Professor Domaretsky V.A.

There are no statistical reports in the archive for 1967-1969.

In 1970, 14 topics with a real economic effect of 2 million rubles were introduced. (topics of heads - professors Tsygankov P.S., Mykhelev A.A. and associate professor Priadko M.O. are noted). During this time, 229 teachers, 114 full-time employees, 127 students and 32 graduate students worked part-time at the SRS.

The growth of the intellectual potential of the institute made it possible to solve complex problems of theoretical and applied nature in the field, helped to study important scientific and technical programs. An important trend was the transition from individual cathedral themes to collective, aimed at solving large-scale economic problems.

Almost the entire teaching staff of the institute, SRS staff, graduate students and senior students took part in the research work.

The institute became the main one in the development of such scientific directions as crystallization, heat exchange, rectification technology and creation of equipment of high-capacity baking ovens. Problems of development of automation of processes and devices of food productions, improvement of the organization of planning of food productions, creation of new technological processes and installations for food and meat and dairy productions, sewage treatment of food enterprises, reception of carbohydrates and biologically active foodstuffs are effectively developed. The technology of production of protein-vitamin preparation and amino acids is actively studied; physicochemical properties and physical methods of food processing are studied.

In 1976-1979, 425 topics were approved in these areas, three of which were included in the plan of research work of the Ministry of Education of the USSR and eight - the Ministry of Education of the USSR.

To carry out research, the institute was equipped with a problem and four branch research laboratories, as well as an interdepartmental laboratory of physical and chemical research methods.

Their creation was facilitated by the Ministries of Food and Meat and Dairy Industry of the Ukrainian SSR, which were interested in accelerating the pace of scientific and technological progress.

Most of the research work of the institute was performed at the request of industry on the basis of economic contract issues. Ten of them were developed jointly with the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences. During this period, starting from 1976, the SRS is managed by Ph.D., Associate Professor V.R. Kulinichenko.

Completed research works were usually introduced into production and gave a noticeable economic effect. Thus, the practical application of the results of research and development of rational methods of water treatment for the technical needs of breweries under construction (Prof. P.M. Maltsev, Ph.D. T.I. Semenov), gave 157 thousand Karbovanets annual economic effect; study of the jet method of aeration with the growth of biomass for the production of feed yeast (Assoc. Prof. P.S. Matviienko) - 80 thousand Karbovanets.

Serial production of baking ovens developed by the branch research laboratory under the direction of prof. A.A. Mykhelev and their introduction in the country's bakeries gave an economic effect of 442 thousand rubles.

Implementation of the topic "Study of the work of the brewery column with lattice failure plates" (Prof. V.M. Stabnikov) provided 799 thousand Karbovanets economic effect; topics "Development of technology for centralized processing of ether aldehyde fraction to extract alcohol" (Prof. P.S. Tsygankov) - 279 thousand Karbovanets.

The greatest economic effect after the introduction into production (1976-78) was given by the following works: "Mathematical modeling of the production process of recrystallization of sugar in recrystallizes" (Prof. I.S. Hulyi - 208 thousand Karbovanets; "Research and development of lubricating compositions for metal rolling processes" (senior researcher M.I. Oseiko) - 450 thousand Karbovanets; "Development of measures for optimization, purification of juice and utilization of CO2 in industrial saturators" (Assoc. Prof. L.P. Reva) - 154.6 thousand Karbovanets; "Research, design and implementation of scaly plates for fermentation columns of the hydrolysis industry" (Prof. V.O. Anistratenko) - 187 thousand Karbovanets etc.

From year to year the general economic efficiency of research works carried out by the staff of the institute grows. Thus, if in 1970 the real economic effect of the introduction was 2 million Karbovanets. In 1979 it amounted to 3.9 million Karbovanets.

A characteristic feature of the introduction of scientific research into production at this time was a wide range of their application. Thus, in 1977, 32 completed works were implemented at the enterprises of 10 ministries of union, union-republican and republican subordination, as well as at a number of research enterprises of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

There were many inventors among the staff of the institute at that time. In ten years (1970-1980) they received 293 copyright certificates. Patents in the USA, Belgium and other countries have been obtained under the author's certificate "Method of preparation of oxygen cocktail and device for its realization".

The 1990s were a time of hardship for the KTIFI team. In a difficult period of renewal of society, crisis in the economy, inflation, the leadership of KTIFI managed not only to preserve human resources, but also to enable the team to work productively for the future, to respond to modern demands of society and industry needs. From 1983 to 1993, SRS was headed by I.I. Stepakh.

KTIFI entered the new decade with high results of research work, provided with experienced staff. At the beginning of 1991, the institute had 505 teachers, including 51 doctors of sciences and 296 candidates of sciences.

The 1990-1991 academic year, the year of Ukraine's declaration of independence, was a period of further growth for research and design work aimed at expanding the range and improving product quality, saving raw materials and fuel and energy resources, and improving technical and economic indicators. Particular attention was paid to the development of technologies and equipment for the production of new foods of high nutritional and biological value, for dietary and therapeutic nutrition, including the use of non-traditional raw materials.

If the total volume of research work performed in 1990 was equal to 5533.3 thousand Karbovanets, then as of July 1, 1991 it amounted to 7488 thousand Karbovanets, including on contractual issues - 3258 thousand Karbovanets, state budget funding - 882 thousand Karbovanets. (which is 204 thousand Karbovanets more than in 1990 p.), at the five small enterprises created at the institute and the cooperative "Optimum" - 3348 thousand Karbovanets.

Research work at the institute in the 1990-1991 academic year was performed by 312 full-time employees of the Scientific and Research sector (SRS) and PRL. 193 teachers, 70 teaching and support staff, 34 postgraduates and doctoral students were involved in part-time work in SRS and PRL.

72.2% of the volume of SRS issues were related to solving scientific and technical problems of the agro-industrial complex.

In the 1990-1991 academic year, work was successfully carried out to create a number of new products and beverages for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes based on puree and fructose-glucose syrups of Jerusalem artichoke, production of Jerusalem artichoke inulin and its derivatives and alcohol production (supervisors: Academician I.S. Hulyi, Professor L.D. Bobrivnyk).

Significant results were obtained from cryogenic technology of processing of food raw materials of plant origin, accelerated production of research and industrial installation for cryogenic technology from citrus processing waste of high radio protective action (supervisors: Academician I.S. Hulyi, Professor M.O. Priadko, Associate Professor G.O. Simakhin). Waste-free biotechnology for wastewater treatment of meat and dairy industry enterprises with a total funding of 400,000 Karbovanets was developed. (supervisor - Professor S.P. Tsygankov).

With the support of the inter-republican inter-branch association "Pectin", which operated under KTIFI, in 1991 the Second All-Union Scientific and Technical Seminar on New Technologies for the Production of Pectin and Pectin Extracts based on the use of "KTIFI reagent" was held industrial level of technology for the production of pectin extracts from apples, citrus and beet pulp.

Given the extreme urgency of the problem of pectin production and its extracts for Ukraine, the priority of research work at the institute was to solve a set of scientific and technical problems related to the implementation of technologies proposed by scientists to be able to move to their widespread industrial implementation.

In the 1990-1991 academic year, KTIFI actively cooperated with the newly established Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (UAAS), in particular its branch "Storage and processing of agricultural products", which, since 1990, coordinates and finances research in this area from the state budget. Rector of the Institute Professor I.S. Hulyi was elected a full member-academician of UAAS, and a corresponding member of UAAS - Dean of the Faculty of Technology of Fermentation and Baking Industries Professor V.I. Drobot. As of July 1, 1991, the institute had concluded 19 agreements with the Academy in the amount of 785 thousand Karbovanets. In a report to the staff of the institute, the rector, Academician I.S. Hulyi emphasized: “We need to use the capabilities of the Academy for the development of basic and applied research for the wider introduction of important scientific and technical developments of our scientists into the national economy. Under the auspices of the Academy, our institute must undertake the coordination of research within Ukraine and the implementation of scientific and technical developments on the following four issues: new technologies for pectin production; wastewater treatment of enterprises and farms of the agro-industrial complex; creation of modern transport-technological systems and development at the world level of technologies and the corresponding equipment for loading-unloading and transport-warehousing works; creation of automated technological complexes for the food and processing industry".

In accordance with the resolution of the Main Committee of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR, the institute organized and held a national thematic exhibition "Processing and storage of agricultural products." Of the 90 exhibits presented at the exhibition, 78 were prepared by KTIFI. Responsible attitude to this case was shown by: the staff of the Department of Bread Technology, in particular the scientific supervisors of developments: О.С. Ostrik, V.I. Drobot, A.M. Dorokhovych, G.I. Skorykova; the staff of the Department of Parts and Machines, in particular the scientific supervisors of developments: J.I. Storizhko, O.P. Krivoplyas, A.I. Sokolenko; the staff of the Department of Biotechnology of Fermentation Products, in particular development managers: V.O. Domaretsky, V.O. Marinchenko, N.O. Emelyanova, and others.

Since 1990, an automated design system (ADS) group has been organized in the structure of the design and research bureau, which has developed a working design of technological equipment for food production.

Historical events in the life of KTIFI in 1993 were its accreditation at the IV level and granting the status of a university, after which it was renamed - Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies (USUFT).

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 13, 1993 on the status of the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies inspired the university staff to further expand and increase the level of research, including fundamental, on the basis of which fundamentally new food technologies should be created. The main attention of scientists was drawn to the creation of new advanced biotechnologies, membrane, cryo- and electrotechnologies. Priority was given to energy-saving technologies. Since 1993, the work of SRS is headed by Associate Professor Zasiadko Ya.I.

The need to solve new research problems, cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, UAAS, the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine (AESU), design organizations and industrial enterprises of Ukraine required the creation of new scientific and technical units. Thus, the Department of Machine Parts together with the Rector's Office worked to create a research center "Packaging". It was planned to open a research institute of bakery products, a research institute of beverages and food additives, a research expert laboratory of food beverages, as well as a research and production unit, which would be directly involved in the implementation of scientific and technical developments of the university.

In the new difficult economic conditions of Ukraine's transition to market relations, the university leadership focused on maximizing the unique, unique to higher education institutions, the ability to collectively solve scientific problems through the efforts of scientific departments of basic sciences, basic engineering and graduate departments. Only such an approach ensured the implementation of the task set by the rector of the university, Academician I.S. Hulyi at the general meeting of the university staff held in August 1993: “Our university should become the coordinator of science in Ukraine on the development of technologies, equipment, automation, mechanization, energy and economics for all branches of food and processing industry through development and participation in the implementation of national research programs."

The goals and directions of the task set by the Rector of the university have found the full support of the university staff. A clear evidence of this was the unanimous decision of the University Council to elect Academician I.S. Hulyi rector for the next five years. The personnel potential has significantly increased: 71 professors, doctors of sciences, 314 associate professors, candidates of sciences ensured the functioning of the institution.

The economic crisis that Ukraine is still experiencing has made higher education institutions and higher education the most vulnerable part of the state economy. But despite all the difficulties, in 1994 the university performed 85 works on economic contract issues in the amount of 10 billion 515 million Karbovanets, including subcontracted works in the amount of 4 billion 372 million Karbovanets. It is important that out of 85 topics, 68 had an environmental focus.

The regularity of the development of USUFT for the last twenty-five years has been the constant improvement of the management system of research work. For example, the 1996-1997 academic year was marked by the restructuring of the system of organization of scientific work, increasing its scientific level and efficiency in accordance with modern requirements of a market economy. The main scientific activity was concentrated in the Research and Production Association (RPA). The research topics, which corresponded to the four priority areas, were focused on solving current problems that determine scientific and technological progress in the food and processing industries. Ten structural subdivisions of the RPA united 318 employees, including 22 doctors of sciences and professors, 60 candidates of sciences and associate professors, 13 graduate students and 24 students. The RPA concluded an agreement on the implementation of scientific developments for UAH 820,000, of which UAH 305,000 was spent in the year of their conclusion (1996-1997). During this period, SRS is headed by Associate Professor V.B. Zakharevich.

Complex scientific topics have been actively developed, combining fundamental and applied research by scientists of the problem laboratory, departments of organic chemistry, physics and technology of food production equipment on the topic "Research of water structure, hydration and conformation of fractions of plant origin and development of methods for obtaining modules of biologically active fructose polymers their derivatives "under the scientific guidance of Academician I.S. Hulyi and Professor L.D. Beaver. The main direction of the restructuring of scientific work was the creation of a multidisciplinary Research Institute of Food Technologies within the university.

Traditionally, students were involved in scientific work. Thus, during the 1996-1997 academic year, 38 students were involved in the implementation of economic contract issues, and 198 students in the state budget; 24 students took part in search topics, 44 students worked under the guidance of graduate students. Thus, in co-authorship with students, 38 scientific papers were published, four applications were submitted and seven patents of Ukraine for inventions were obtained. They testified to the high creative potential of young people, encouraged university scientists to more widely involve students in scientific work.

In the 1997-1998 academic year, the main research activities of the team were concentrated mainly in the Problem Research Laboratory (head of the laboratory - Associate Professor G.O. Simakhin), in the newly established Scientific and Research Institute of Food Technology (Director - Associate Professor V.B. Zakharevich) and at the departments of the University. Significant work has also been done to establish an Institute for Energy Problems in the Food Industry at USUFT.

As of July 1, 1998, the volume of economic contract research work amounted to about 480 thousand UAH, the subject of problem laboratory - 314 thousand UAH, at the Faculty of TBH - 133, mechanical - 117, energy - 89, economics and management - 33.4, TMM - 27 thousand UAH. These data are extremely important and indicative, as the volume of economic topics characterizes the relationship of departments with industry and the practical and scientific value of the results of research work performed at the departments. According to the results of work in the 1997-1998 academic year, the best in this indicator were recognized departments of technical mechanics and packaging technology (head - Professor J.I. Storizhko), processes and devices (head - Professor I.F. Malezhyk), automation of food processes and productions (head - professor A.P. Ladaniuk), biotechnology of products of fermentation of extracts and drinks (head - professor V.A. Domaretsky).

Among the most important economic contract work performed by scientists of the university, it should be noted the creation of a rotary machine for the formation of hermetic sterile self-dispensing polymer packaging (head - Associate Professor V.B. Zakharevich), development and implementation of technology for baby food and medical nutrition. A. Dmytruk and V.I. Drobot), development and implementation of technology for industrial production of food with a long shelf life (head - Professor A.I. Sokolenko), development of technology for the production of anticrystalline fructose high-fructose and glucose-fructose syrups from sugar intermediates for baby and preventive nutrition (supervisor - Associate Professor L.I. Tanashchuk), etc. The 1997-1998 academic year also brought a lot of achievements in the field of inventive activity of the university: in 1997, 73 applications for inventions were filed, 63 positive decisions and 85 patents of Ukraine were obtained.

The year 2002 forever entered the history of the university: by the decree of the President of Ukraine №266 / 2002 of March 19, 2002, USUFT was awarded the title "National".

During the economic crisis in Ukraine until 2004, the activity of implementing economic contract issues at the university decreased slightly.

By the order of the rector on №367 from 29.07.04 on the basis of the SRS the Scientific and Research Department of University (SRD) is created. The work of the SRD is headed by Associate Professor I.B. Petrichenko.

In 2004, the university performed 139 research works, including under agreements with enterprises - 108 topics in the amount of 1458.6 thousand hryvnias and 30 state budget works with the amount of funding 3298.7 thousand hryvnias, one grant from the European Commission "Improved methods production of enzymatic food products "- 46.1 thousand UAH, 10 topics were commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, three topics commissioned by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, aimed at developing industry standards of Ukraine ISU (" Whole milk powder. Specifications "," Milk-protein paste "Health. Specifications", "Whey protein concentrate obtained by ultrafiltration (KSB - UV) Specifications").

Standards are developed to determine the main organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological indicators, safety indicators and product labeling during production. Ensuring industrial production is carried out in accordance with modern economic, market, environmental requirements and the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Quality and Safety of Food and Food Raw Materials"; taking into account new production technologies and harmonization of NSU with international and European standards.

The University participated in the development of the state program "Use of production and consumption waste for the period up to 2005."

In 2004, the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 16 exhibitions, including the exhibitions "Days of Science and Technology of Ukraine" in China and "Sugar Business - 2004" in Moscow. The university was awarded 17 diplomas for the high level of scientific research.

In December 2004, NUFT was accepted as the sole representative of Ukraine in the powerful world organization "International Union of Food Science and Technology", which includes about 200 leading scientists from 60 countries. This will help NUFT scientists to carry out joint projects in the field of science and technology.

NUFT became a member of the Association of Ukrainian Ice Cream Producers and the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine. At the invitation of Maiquer Group (PRC), a representative of the Department of Milk and Dairy Products Technology held a consultation on ice cream production and production of experimental batches in production conditions.

The result of fruitful inventive activity of teachers, researchers, graduate students and students of the university was the submission of 47 applications for 134 security documents for inventions. Five monographs and seven textbooks were published with the participation of teachers and staff of the university.

In 2005, the university performed 125 research works in the amount of 2897.5 thousand UAH, including under agreements with enterprises 70 topics in the amount of 1108.6 thousand UAH, at the request of the Main Department of Health and Medical Care of Kyiv the city state administration performed two topics in the amount of 182.1 thousand UAH, one topic in the amount of 30.0 thousand UAH. was performed at the request of the Kyiv Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information, as well as 38 state budget works with the amount of funding 1576.7 thousand UAH. Eleven topics were commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, eight topics were commissioned by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine: three - aimed at developing industry standards in Ukraine; two - for the development of baby food ("Develop a group of fermented milk liquid and pasty products containing lactulose for baby food", supervisor Ph.D. O.A. Savchenko; Development of technologies and equipment for meat processing, fish, aquatic organisms in order to create food for children of different ages ", scientific supervisor Dr. L.V. Pyshuk).

In 2005, the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 13 exhibitions, including 6 international ones. A total of 145 exhibits were displayed at the exhibitions.

In May 2005, the University held the First All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Organizational, legal and financial-economic problems of adaptation of agricultural enterprises to market conditions and ways to solve them."

The result of fruitful inventive activity of teachers, researchers, graduate students and students of the university was to obtain 136 patents, including with students - 21. With the participation of teachers and staff of the university published five monographs, seven textbooks, twenty textbooks.

In 2007, the university performed 129 research papers with a total volume of 3879.1 thousand. UAH, including under agreements with enterprises - 101 topics in the amount of 1854.5 thousand UAH; five topics in the amount of UAH 275.0 thousand, were commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; for the first time received five grants from the State Fund for Basic Research in the amount of UAH 92.0 thousand.

In 2007, the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at nine exhibitions, including six international ones. A total of 189 exhibits were displayed at the exhibitions.

For the first time, the university received a license from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine for construction activities in the agro-industrial complex.

The result of fruitful inventive activity of teachers, researchers, graduate students and students of the university was to obtain 109 security documents, including with students - 22.

This year, Professor of the Department of Biotechnology of Microbial Synthesis Karpova V. awarded the prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after О.В. Paladin for a series of scientific papers "Colloid-chemical and physiological-biochemical aspects of the interaction of nan- and micro particles with the cell as a basis for the creation of promising nan biotechnologies." Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Professor Martynenko M.A. awarded the diploma of Yaroslav the Wise of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology.

In 2008, the university took second place among Ukrainian universities in the number of patents. 115 security documents were received, including with students - 42.

In 2009, 85 research works were performed in the total amount of UAH 3,561.4 thousand, including 65 agreements in the amount of UAH 1,170.1 thousand under agreements with enterprises; at the request of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine under the "State program of development of mechanical engineering for 2006-2011" one theme in the amount of 20,0 thousand UAH was carried out; At the request of the National Agency of Ukraine for Efficient Use of Energy Resources (NAER), four themes were performed in the amount of UAH 134.3 thousand; one topic in the amount of 80.0 thousand UAH. performed at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; under the budget program "Applied scientific and scientific-technical developments, performance of works under state target programs and the state order in the field of agro-industrial complex development, financial support of scientific personnel training" one topic in the amount of UAH 30.0 thousand was performed at the request of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy It should be noted the annual dynamics of growth of state budget funds.

In 2009, the head of the Department of Biotechnology of Microbial Synthesis, Ph.D., prof. T.P. Pyroh with a group of scientists for the series of works "Bacterial glycopolymers: patterns of structural organization of macromolecules, functional and biological activity and aspects of practical use" received the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2009.

For the series of works "Analytical methods in mixed problems of mathematical physics (elasticity theory)" the Head of the Department prof. M.A. Martynenko was recognized the winner of the competition of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine (Academy of Higher Education) and awarded the highest award of the Academy of Sciences - the medal M.V. Ostrogradsky.

Professor of the Department of Biotechnology of Microbial Synthesis On October 13, 2009, Karpov O.V. was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine."

The work of associate professor of technical mechanics and packaging technology L.O. Kryvoplias- Volodina"Optimization of parameters of logistics operations of flow-transport systems of food production" was awarded the first Prize of the competition for young scientists of higher educational institutions, held by the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine.

In 2009 the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 7 exhibitions, including 5 international and 2 all-Ukrainian, and held 8 conferences, 4 of which were international. 6 conferences were held on the basis of the university within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science.

According to the results of the work, the university was awarded the Honorary Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Gold Medal, as well as Diplomas.

According to the results of the work at the International Exhibition of Educational Institutions, which took place in the Ukrainian House on December 10-12, 2009 in the nomination "Organization of student research work" the university was awarded a Gold Medal.

In accordance with the schedule of International scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the University, the faculties of Economics and Management and Accounting, Finance and Entrepreneurship on March 19-20, 2009 held the V International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of business economics in sustainable development".

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist I.M. Roiter hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for Innovative Development of the Bakery Industry", which took place on June 9-12, 2009.

According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Systems, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Methods, Information, Software and Technical Support of Organizational and Technological Complexes" was held.

The inventive activity of teachers, researchers, graduate students and students of the university was effective, as evidenced by the receipt of 133 security documents, including a certificate of the mark for goods and services "ProZer".

In 2009, for the first time at the request of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine under the "State Program for the Development of Mechanical Engineering for 2006-2010" under the scientific guidance of Professor of TOHV O. O. Serohin performed "Development of an energy complex that operates on waste of organic origin, with a thermal capacity of 100 kW to 400 kW" in the amount of 78.0 thousand UAH. The purpose of the EDW is to create a prototype of an energy complex designed to produce thermal energy. The use of the energy complex makes it possible to solve the problem of accumulation and utilization of industrial waste at enterprises (reduction of hazardous emissions into the environment), while obtaining waste-free, auto energy technology with thermal energy production by converting the entire mass of waste into marketable products (energy).

On October 22, 2009 the Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Energy Saving in Heat Generation and Use Systems" was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. N. Yu. Tobilevych - Head of the Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering in 1963-1999.

In 2010, the university performed 76 research works, with a total amount of 3835.5 thousand UAH, including under agreements with enterprises 63 topics in the amount of 1469.9 thousand UAH; 13 topics were performed in PRL, with a total amount of UAH 2,380.3 thousand.

In November 2010, the National University of Food Technologies became a co-founder of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Science Park Corporation.

The scientific work of assistants of the Department of Biotechnology of Microbial Synthesis Anna Sofilkanych, Anastasia Konon and Natalia Hryshchenko "Alternative processing of industrial waste into practically valuable products of microbial synthesis to clean the environment from xenobiotic" was awarded a diploma of III degree. Leonid Kuchma's Presidential Fund in 2010.

In November 2010, the National University of Food Technology became a member of the European Association for the Integration of Food Sciences and Engineering in the Food Industry (ISEKI-Food Association).

The university publishes two scientific journals, which are included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine on technical (bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine №1 2010) and economic (bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine №6 2005) sciences, in which university scientists have the opportunity to publish their research: "Scientific works of the National University of Food Technologies", "Food Industry".

In 2010 the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 6 exhibitions, held 12 conferences, 6 of which were international. 6 conferences were held on the basis of the university within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science.

In October-November 2010 at the International Exhibition "Education and Career" the university was awarded the Gold Medal of the Ministry of Education and Science in the nomination "Achievements in employment of university graduates".

On November 18-20, the university took part in the International Specialized Exhibition "Education and Career - 2010" and the seventh international exhibition of foreign educational institutions "Education Abroad". For participation in the competition in the nomination "Innovative development of education and modern pedagogical technologies" the university was awarded the Gold Medal.

In 2010, the university received 167 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, including with students -77. According to this indicator, in specific terms, the university ranks first among Ukrainian universities.

Received a certificate of copyright registration for the work "Computer program" Simulation model of the vacuum apparatus of periodic action for boiling massecuite sugar "(" Simulation model of the vacuum apparatus ").

With the participation of teachers and staff of the university published 11 monographs, 7 textbooks, 20 textbooks.

In 2011, the university performed 60 research works, with a total amount of UAH 3,653.1 thousand, including 46 topics under agreements with enterprises in the amount of UAH 1,182.2 thousand; 14 topics were performed in the PRL, with a total amount of UAH 2,470.9 thousand.

Employees of the Department of Biotechnology of Microbial Synthesis Lych I.V., Skrotska O.I. awarded the Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the most talented young scientists in the field of basic and applied research and scientific and technical developments in 2011 for the work "Antiherpetic and immunomodulatory properties of domestic complex inductance of interferon."

The University is the founder of five scientific journals, which are included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical and economic sciences, in which university scientists can publish research results: Scientific works of NUFT, "Food Industry", "Sugar of Ukraine", "Packaging" "," Accounting and Finance of AIC ".

3 journals "Scientific works of the NUFT", "Packaging", "Food industry" in 2011 received international registration numbers ISSN.

In the "Scientific Proceedings of the National University of Food Technology" published articles on the results of fundamental theoretical developments and significant applied research in the field of food technology and economics of agriculture. The journal "Food Industry" covers the results of research work on food technology; chemical, biochemical, microbiological processes and devices; equipment for automation of food production and economics of the food industry.

In addition, scientists of the university are members of the editorial board of 22 professional periodicals. As an example: "Automation of production processes", "Bakery and confectionery industry of Ukraine", "Storage and processing of grain", "Container and packing", "Scientific world", "Industrial heat engineering" and others.

In 2011 the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 12 exhibitions, held 11 conferences, of which 6 were international. Six conferences were held on the basis of the university within the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Department of University Management is a participant in the PRORES project. Representatives of three countries take part in the project: Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. The Department of Management became a full participant in the project on June 16, 2011.

University staff participated in the training under the European Union program Marie Training Networks, which is part of the development program of the European Union FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN. The training was held at the University of Szczecin (Poland).

In 2011, the university received 231 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, including with students -125, an application was submitted to SE "Ukrpatent" for a certificate for a mark for goods and services on the emblem of the university. Two works have been submitted to the All-Ukrainian competition "Invention-2011" held by the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine

With the participation of teachers and staff of the university published 27 monographs, 13 textbooks, 37 textbooks.

In 2012, the university performed 111 research works, with a total amount of UAH 4,350.1 thousand, including 97 agreements under agreements with enterprises with a volume of UAH 1,536.3 thousand; 14 themes were performed in the PRL, with a total amount of 2813.8 thousand UAH.

Rector, Ph.D., prof. Ivanov S.V. became the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for the work "Innovative technologies of food production of a new generation of mass consumption"; he was a member of the International Organizing Committee of the First Northern and Eastern European Congress of Food Science (NEEFood-2012), organized by the Russian Association of Food Science and Technology RUSFoST, which took place on April 22-24, 2012 in St. Petersburg.

At the final meeting, the awards were presented to the organizing committee of the Congress. Among the winners is the Head of the Ukrainian delegation, the Rector of our university Serhii Ivanov, who received the Honorary Award of the Organizing Committee for active promotion of scientific achievements in educational programs, as well as for active position in higher food education in Ukraine.

In his closing remarks, the President of RUSFoST, Professor Mark Shmatsian, announced that the EFFoST Presidium had decided to hold the next NEEFood Congress in Kyiv on the basis of our university.

Since August 2011, the University has been involved in the implementation of the SCOPES program, funded by the Government of Switzerland (partners of the University of Szczecin (Poland), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)), to improve the teaching system by introducing case methods. The share of NUFT funding is 55 thousand euros the duration of the topic is three years - 2011-2013.

In the competition of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician M.A. Martynenko, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, was awarded a Diploma and the second prize for the work "Mixed spatial problems of mathematical theory of elasticity" in the category "Textbooks". Currently, the mathematical literature of the Department of Higher Mathematics is the most common among students of Ukraine in comparison with the textbooks of mathematical departments of other universities.

In 2012, the university took part in the work and presented scientific developments at 14 exhibitions, held 28 scientific events, including 15 international conferences, 13 - All-Ukrainian. On the basis of the university within the Ministry of Education and Science 15 conferences were held.

In 2012, the university received 281 Ukrainian patents for inventions and utility models. Work with students has significantly improved, so in 2011 students in co-authorship with teachers filed applications for patents - 144, and in 2012 this figure was 174, students received patents in 2011 - 125, and in 2012 - 179.

The State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine registered the copyright to official works owned by NUFT, computer programs "Control of knowledge on the protection of production personnel" (authors Yevtushenko O.V., Litvinenko A.M.) and "Accounting for accidents on enterprise "("Analysis of accidents 1.0") (authors Yevtushenko O.V., Litvinenko A.M.)

According to the results of the All-Ukrainian competition "Invention-2011", conducted by the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine, complexes of utility models of our scientists "Method of drying carrot pomace", "Butter cookies", authors – I.L. Koretska, G.V. Lytvyn, G. M. Bandurenko, T.M. Levkivska, T.V., Zinchenko, I.F., Malezhyk, A.T. Bezusov, Y.P. Lutsiuk became the best inventions of 2011 in the nomination "Healthy, safe, dignified life".

National University of Food Technologies has submitted documents for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition "Invention 2012" in the nomination "Healthy, safe and dignified life".

33 monographs, 17 textbooks, 32 textbooks were published with the participation of teachers and staff of the university.

In 2013, the university performed 108 research works, with a total amount of 4739.6 thousand UAH, including under agreements with enterprises 89 topics with a volume of 1450.9 thousand UAH; 19 topics were performed in PNDL, with a total amount of 3288.7 thousand UAH.

Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Sokolenko A.I., professors Piddubnyi V.A., Yarovyi V.L., Shevchenko O.Y. became winners of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for the work "Innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of food production."

In 2013, the university held 29 scientific events, including 15 international conferences, 14 - All-Ukrainian. 12 conferences were held on the basis of the university within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of Youth and Sports.

In May 2013, the Second North and East European Congress on Food Science (NEEFood-2013) was held on the basis of NUFT. Such a representative forum was held in our country for the first time and the honor of hosting it was given to our school, given its high status and authority in international scientific circles.

The Congress brought together more than 500 of the most famous and authoritative experts from 18 countries, who have outstanding theoretical and practical results. Its topics gave participants the opportunity to outline an extremely wide range of scientific problems. During the three days of the forum there were plenary and sectional meetings, poster presentations, acquaintance with the work of leading specialized enterprises, close communication, exchange of experiences, ideas, practical experiences. The result was the formation of new partnerships.

On October 29, the university hosted the grand opening of the XXIV International Colloquium of the CEDIMES Institute. The topic of the forum is "Food security: food, economic, managerial, geopolitical, environmental, cultural dimensions", so it is natural that the honor of organizing and hosting a forum of this level for the first time in Ukraine is given to our school. After all, for almost 130 years of history, the university has trained tens of thousands of specialists for the food and processing industries, both for our country and for many foreign countries. In addition, our school has been a member of the CEDIMES Institute since 1996 and is widely known in international scientific circles for its innovative developments and, in particular, in the field of developing the latest technologies for safe functional and health products.

The purpose of the forum is to exchange scientific, theoretical and applied research in various areas of food security at the global, national and regional levels. Representatives of 22 countries took part in the forum

On November 1, a meeting of the CEDIMES Academic Council and a final plenary session were held, which summed up the work of the forum.

The international status of the event was attended by the Supervisor of Psychology and Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Australian Union E. Hlyva, the representative of the European Security Association Leszek Kozienewski (Poland) and the expert in the field of consciousness development, director of the Ayurveda Self-Renewal Center David Linch Education based on consciousness” by I. Prodan.

In 2013, the university took part in 18 exhibitions, 11 of them international, which presented 157 exhibits.

In February and November 2013, the National Center for Business and Cultural Cooperation "Ukrainian House" hosted the XXI and XXII International Exhibitions "Education and Career-2013", which were attended by more than 200 universities, international organizations, publishers, courses various areas, vocational schools, educational agencies, foundations, as well as higher education institutions in France, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, USA, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, the Czech Republic . According to the results of the work, the university was awarded the Grand Prix in the nomination "International cooperation in education and science", the Gold Medal in the nomination "International cooperation in the field of higher education", the Gold Medal in the nomination "Development and active promotion of innovative integrated solutions for education and science "And Diploma for high creative achievements in improving the content of the educational process of the national education system,

In 2013, the university received 335 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, including with students -246.

Received a certificate of copyright for the official work - computer program "Virtual laboratory work -" Study of instruments for measuring pressure "(authors Elperin I.V., Zakharchuk Y.D.), which is registered by the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine.

With the participation of teachers and staff of the university published 47 monographs, 18 textbooks, 36 textbooks.

In 2014, the university received 336 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, including 208 in co-authorship with students. The State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine registered four copyright certificates for the work, owned by NUFT.

The University is an active participant in the All-Ukrainian competition "Invention of the Year". In 2014, by the decision of the Expert Council of the Invention of the Year competition, the invention "Vacuum apparatus for crystallization of solutions" (patent № 101115) was recognized the winner in the category "Food Production" and awarded the Diploma of the winner.

According to the results of scientific research in 2014, the university staff prepared 96 monographs, 15 textbooks and 43 textbooks.

In 2014, the university took part in 10 international exhibitions.

In 2014, 1942 students were involved in research work at the university. In total, in 2014, the student youth of NUFT published their scientific achievements in 449 articles, of which 98 were published independently, and also published 1819 abstracts, of which 586 were published independently.

In 2014, 374 young scientists worked at the university. 5 young scientists take part in EU international projects. At the initiative of the Council of Young Scientists, 3 projects were submitted for youth participation in scientific and educational programs Erasmus +, Gorison 2020 and DAAD.

In 2014, one new specialty of graduate school was opened - 05.08.13. "Technology of canned and chilled food."

The University represented Ukraine in 16 countries, and delegations from 13 countries visited NUFT. We actively cooperated with the ambassadors of Argentina, Germany, France, Poland, Russia, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Turkmenistan and others. At the university level alone, 35 negotiations, meetings and events were held with these countries. In 2014, 7 cooperation agreements were signed. 209 scientific works (monographs, articles, etc.) of our university staff have been published in international publications.

On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of NUFT, an "Annotated list of security documents of university employees" was prepared and published.

The list is published in three volumes and covers the period from 1947 to 2014.

Today, scientific work at the university is performed in accordance with the developed concept and Target comprehensive program of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities for 2012-2017. The topics are aimed at conducting a wide range of research in the following priority areas: creation of new modern technologies and high-performance equipment, systems and means of mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes and productions, rational energy systems, improvement of market organization and efficiency of food and processing enterprises, information control systems and technologies, solving environmental problems in the food and processing industries.

Over the years, NUFT has become a leading research center in the field of food technology, known far beyond Ukraine. His research is aimed at developing the theoretical foundations of food technology, their intensification and optimization, the creation of new advanced technologies and high-performance equipment, systems and means of mechanization of labor-intensive processes and industries, new energy-using equipment and energy efficiency systems; to improve the organization and increase the efficiency of food and processing enterprises. Therefore, the implementation of the best developments of the University Research part in various industries will help increase the competitiveness of domestic products and Ukraine's entry into the sphere of highly developed countries.

Catalog of scientific and technical developments and innovative technologies of the National University of Food Technologies (2014). View