А team of NUFT students returned to Ukraine after internships in educational and research institutions in Germany

07 march 2023

А team of NUFT students returned to Ukraine after internships in educational and research institutions in Germany

Having gained new knowledge and competences in the printing and packaging industry, and unforgettable impressions from the trip, a team of NUFT students returned to Ukraine after internships in educational and research institutions in Germany.

Let's summarize the results of the internship:

• They visited the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, where they got acquainted with the laboratory equipment and research processes of the properties of packaging materials and the impressive book collection of the University’s library.

• Together with the students of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, they completed training courses and conducted laboratory research on paper and cardboard manufacturing technology at the training center for paper production specialists in the city of Gernsbach.

• Studied the preparation of raw materials for production, the basics of technological processes and equipment for paper production, automation and control systems, the basics of color theory and the main properties of paper and cardboard.

• Learned to use modern laboratory equipment and independently conducted experiments and testing.

• Got acquainted with the process of paper production for tea bags during a tour of the Glatfelter enterprise. The production uses Abaca banana fibers as raw material, which allows making bags that do not tear in hot water and do not spoil the taste of tea.

• Together with German students, they successfully passed final exams and received certificates.

Positive emotions remained from the attention and support of German colleagues and a rich cultural program - together they traveled through Berlin's squares, streets and parks, visited legendary architectural and natural sights, walked through the ancient town of Gernsbach, enjoyed the spring landscapes of Baden-Württemberg. They made full use of the infrastructure of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the Papierzentrum in Gernsbach: they played bowling, billiards, played sports in gyms, held warm meetings and established contacts in places for relax.

Working in a team with German students made it possible to improve English and establish business and friendly contacts.

We hope that the experience of our international cooperation and real international internships will inspire our students to study English and do research. We believe that our cooperation and tradition of academic exchanges will find support and develop.

♥ Thanks to the organizers and sponsors of the internship:
• To the administration of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and personally to Professor Stefan Junge, 
• Foundation Fritz LandmannStiftung Hamburg
• To the experts at the Papierzentrum in Gernsbach

Published on: 07-03-2023
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