The English-language section of the 87th International Scientific Conference brought together young scientists from around the world

19 april 2021

The English-language section of the 87th International Scientific Conference brought together young scientists from around the world

"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, dear friends and dear colleagues. Under the blossoming of gardens, the silent breeze of golden autumn and the hot breath of eternal summer, let’s plunge into the boundless wonderful world of food science!” This greeting marked the beginning of the English-language section "Food, Chemical Technology and Engineering", which worked within the 87th International scientific conference of young scientists and students "Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century Nutrition problem solution" which will be held on April 15-16, 2021 at the National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine). The style of greeting is quite logical - the section brought together young scientists and students from Argentina, Brazil, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine.

Anna Gryshchenko and Svitlana Kovaliova, associate professors of our university, moderated the section.

During the section, 16 reports of young scientists from the above-mentioned countries were considered. Participants presented the results of research on improving the technology of bread, confectionery and pasta, wine, dairy, oil and fat products, providing food products with functional properties. No less important, according to the reports presented, are the issues of rational use of natural resources and processing of secondary products of the food industry. The solutions of control of properties of various constructional materials by ionizing radiation are original. Several reports on the management of the properties of cosmetics were also presented.

It is nice to note that more than 200 participants from different countries presented their posters on the web resources of the National University of Food Technologies.

All the speakers with their enthusiasm and professionalism made the work of the section rich and fruitful. The Organizing Committee identified the presentations with the highest scientific value and quality.

Diplomas of various degrees were awarded:

Mariana Spinei, Florina Dranca, Ionica Cotovanu, Marina Axentii, Olivia Atudorei, Judita Patrautanu from Stefan cel Mare University (Suceava, Romania);

Nicoleta Lazar from the University of Craiova (Romania);

Pavel Garchev and Rossen Chochkov from the University of Food Technologies (Plovdiv, Bulgaria);

Ruslan Adil Akai Tegin from Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan).

Yulia Korobka, Valentina Kryshtof and Oleksandra Neliubina from National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.

For the participants who prepared interesting posters, supported the active discussion, the organizing committee also prepared certificates for active participation in the Conference.

The Organizing Committee is grateful to young scientists and partners who supported the active discussion - Anastasia Shevchenko, Maria Hrytsevich, Kateryna Hrininh, Vitalii Rachok, Rossen Chochkov (Bulgaria) and Deborah Conde Molini (Argentina).

The experience of holding scientific English-language online conferences  is new for us. Of course, modern technology has made it possible to gather more participants from different countries. However, we want to believe that in the nearest future we will return to the usual format of activity without restrictions, and, as in the last 10 years, we will meet dear guests at our University, proudly presenting our achievements, studying experience of colleagues, and present them our beautiful Kyiv and Ukraine.

We are sincerely thankful to our colleagues who helped make this scientific fest, and wish all the participants good health and inspiration for further achievements. We hope for further cooperation, expansion of the range of scientific research, and involvement of colleagues from the world's leading scientific and educational institutions in the educational and scientific process in our university. 

Published on: 19-04-2021
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