Award for special merits of the professor of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences

02 june 2023

Award for special merits of the professor of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences

Stefan Junge, a professor at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BНT), a great friend of Ukrainian students and Ukraine, was awarded the badge "For special services to the National University of Food Technologies" for his significant personal contribution to the development of the university, the training of highly qualified specialists and promoting its global recognition. The four-year cooperation between NUHT and BНT has impressive results, namely:

- Internship of NUHT professors (Sergii Blazhenko, Yurii Veresotskyi, Olena Chepelyuk, Natalia Kulyk) at BНT;

- Alipatova Maria completed a one-year internship at the DOW Chemical company, Spain, based on the results of scientific research, defended the qualifying work for obtaining the "master's" degree in English with excellence, has several printed works.

- Olga Stepanova, the first among Ukrainian students, took part in the competition for the best packaging German Packaging Award 2022. Her packaging received a victory and a prize, and then a certificate of recognition from the World Packaging Organization (WPO). She defended the qualifying work for the degree of "bachelor" in English with excellence, has printed works, filed a patent for a utility model.

- Olga Stepanova and Nataliya Kulyk completed online training at the Packaging School, Clemson University, USA, and received certificates.

Internship of NUHT students as part of the BНT group at the company MetsäBoard, Finland.

- Internship of students of the National Technical University of Ukraine at the University of Berlin and together with the students of the National Technical University at the Paper Center, Gernsbach, Germany, received certificates.

- Organized a trip to Dusseldorf to visit the Interpack 2023 exhibition and the leading German manufacturing companies in the packaging industry.

The cooperation continues, the internship of a new group of NUHT students as part of the BНT group is being prepared at the company MetsäBoard, Finland at the end of August 2023.

We thank our German colleagues for their support of Ukraine and Ukrainian students.

We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to study and teach, to bring our Victory closer together and to prepare for the reconstruction of Ukraine.


Published on: 02-06-2023
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