Department of Technology Мilk and Dairy Products

завідувач кафедри

Head of Department
Polischuk, Galina
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

(created in 1967)

The Department of Milk and Dairy Products Technology, which began its activities in 1967, trains specialists in terms of educational-professional and educational-scientific programs according to the following levels of higher education:

first (bachelor's) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" under the educational and professional program "Food Technologies and Engineering";

second (master's) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" under the educational and professional program "Storage, Preservation and Dairy Processing Technologies";

third (educational and scientific) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" under the educational and scientific program "Food Technologies".

The dairy industry is one of the leading branches of the food industry, which is developing dynamically. During many years of activity, the teaching staff of the Department has built up unique experience in the system of professional training of highly qualified, competitive specialists to meet the needs of society, the labor market and the state, capable of carrying out innovative and organizational activities, solving complex scientific and technical tasks, and generating modern knowledge in the field of dairy products.


1. The training of specialists according to the profile of the educational program has been carried out at the graduate department for 55 years, therefore, the long-term experience of the scientific and pedagogical staff and the thoroughness of the theoretical knowledge of the scientific schools of the department guarantee the training of specialists with deep special knowledge.

2. Availability of a powerful scientific and pedagogical school. The highly professional staff of the department is involved in the teaching of educational components by specialty, including 2 doctors of science and 7 candidates of science, of whom 1 is a professor.

3. Long-term, effective cooperation with scientific institutions, associations and unions of industry enterprises and specialized universities.

4. Innovative technologies of teaching, learning and organization of the educational process (learning management system Moodl, unified program for managing the educational process of the PS-Dean's office, etc.).

5. Full provision of each component of the educational and professional program with educational and methodical materials, including video materials for conducting laboratory work online.

6. Positive experience of conducting guest lectures, including with the participation of Ukrainian and foreign scientists and representatives of international corporations and firms.

7. Implementation of dual education, introduction of national academic mobility, participation of applicants in the implementation of the state budget, and private contract projects.

8. Presence of winners of all-Ukrainian and branch competitions among the students.

9. Completion of professional and pre-diploma internships by applicants at modern industrial and craft milk processing enterprises of the industry, including in EU countries. Annual update of practice databases.

10. The versatility of graduates' knowledge, which expands employment opportunities on the labor market.



Last modified: 09 January 2025

The department carries out training of specialists:

Educational Degree «BACHELOR»

Training of specialists in the field of knowledge 18 "Production and technology" in specialty 181 "Food technologies" and educational program:

  • Food Technology and Engineering
Form of study Period of study
Day 4 years
Day is shortened 2 or 3 years
Distance / Distance 4 years 6 months
Correspondence reduced / reduced Distanc 2 years 6 months or 3 years 6 months

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Educational Degree «MASTER»

Training of specialists in the field of knowledge 18 "Production and technology" in specialty 181 "Food technologies" and educational program:

  • Technologies for storage, preservation and processing of milk
Form of study Period of study
All forms of study 1 year 6 months

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Scientific Degree «PhD»

Training of specialists in the field of knowledge 18 "Production and technology" in specialty 181 "Food Technologies"

Form of study Period of study
All forms of study 4 years

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Scientific Degree «DOCTOR OF SCIENCES»

Training of specialists in the field of knowledge 18 "Production and technology" in specialty 181 "Food Technologies"

Form of study Period of study
Day 2 years

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Training at the Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products is a guarantee of quality training on the basis of the latest world achievements of the industry, as well as a reliable prospect of employment, due to the university's deserved authority and high qualification of specialists. The overwhelming majority of graduates work at dairy enterprises.

Educational disciplines, which are taught at the department

Name Number of hours
Scientific and practical bases of technology of dairy products 90
Chemistry and physics of milk and dairy products 150
Technological calculations, accounting and reporting in the industry 75
Design of dairy industry enterprises with the basics of CAD 180
Modeling and creating innovative food products 120
Technologies of food production. Section. Milk and milk products technology  
Basics of receiving and primary milk processing 120
Technologies of whole milk products and ice cream 210
Technology of cheeses and products of milk-based cheeses 240
Fundamentals of technology for preserving and storing milk and milk-based products 120
Special dairy products technology 60
Тechnology of milk and milk-contain products 420


Name Number of hours
Innovations in the dairy industry 270
Methods of optimization of milk and milk products production 120
Research workshop 180
Scientific bases of non-waste technologies of renewable raw materials 150
Logistic systems of milk processing enterprises 90
Innovative food ingredients in dairy technology 120
Management of quality and safety of milk and milk-based products 150
World trends in the development of the milk processing industry  


Name Number of hours
Rheology of food masses 150
Actual problems of food technologies 210
Professional colloquium 150

At the Department of Milk and Dairy Products Technology, scientific research is carried out in accordance with the main directions of scientific and innovative activity in Ukraine and is directly focused on the most current nutrition of milk processing plants. The department's scientists are highly active in publications, including studies that are indexed in international databases (Web of Science, Scopus) and are steadily expanding the practice of scientific research with leading foreign scientists with the methods of implementing large-scale projects, guest lectures, scientific research and publication. Students and the department's scientists take an active part in:

state budget projects: "Formation of the quality and safety of dairy and milk-containing products with natural components" (registration number 0117U004398); "Improvement of existing and creation of new resource-efficient technologies of dairy products of increased nutritional value" (registration number 0120U103103); "Scientific explanation of resource-efficient technologies of food products, enriched with multifunctional ingredients" (registration number 0120U102556); "Implementation of resource-saving methods of modification of the functional and technological characteristics of milk whey in the technologies of food products of a target purpose" (registration number 0120U100868);

рrivate contract projects: "Development of a new recipe for fruit and vegetable ice cream" (contract No. 630/19); "Creation of stabilization systems for milk-based curd products, which include milk and vegetable fats" (agreement No. 850/21), "Conducting pilot production of yogurt with new stabilization systems" (agreement No. 858/21).

The scientific workshop "Dairy Business" functions at the department, in which students are actively involved. Taking into account the nature of the educational process at the university, the research work of the applicants is carried out using various forms of organization, which is of great importance for the wider involvement of student youth in scientific research. The participants of the scientific workshop take an active part in the performance of the department's state budget and private contract projects, international and all-Ukrainian conferences, competitions, and Olympiads, and have high indicators of publication activity. Every year, the department selects talented young people from among graduates of master's degrees and young teachers and scientists for postgraduate study.

The results of the department's research activities are regularly published on the department's website.

In 1967

created a department of technology and equipment for the production of meat and dairy industry;

In 1969

the department was reorganized into the Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products and in the same year the Department was opened a graduate school;

In 1986

at the Kiev municipal dairy plant №1, a training and production department of the department was established;

On the basis of the department, a branch research laboratory for the development of small and non-waste technologies for the processing of raw materials of the meat and dairy industry is organized;

In 2003

on the basis of the specialty "Technologies of storage, preservation and processing of milk" opened the specialization "Ice cream technology";

In 2004

annual scientific and practical seminars and conferences on the development of dairy industry with the participation of leading manufacturers of dairy products, equipment, manufacturers of bacterial and enzyme preparations, packaging, detergents, etc.;

In 2011

activity of student scientific circle "Dairy business" in the direction of research work "Development of resource-saving technologies of dairy products of preventive action" under the leadership of the head of the department, prof., D.T.N. Polishchuk G.E.

In 2016

on the basis of specialty 181 "Food Technologies" educational activities started within the limits of certificate programs.