The Ukrainian Researchers Workshop series and complimentary access to Elsevier research tools

On Resource Centre, we continue to offer Ukrainian researchers access to Elsevier research tools like ScienceDirect, Scopus, our expertly curated abstract & and citation database; Researcher Discovery, our search and collaboration module; Researcher Academy, for free e-learning modules developed by global experts, as well as ScienceDirect and Mendeley. If you are a Ukrainian clinician or medical student, we also continue to offer access to clinical content and tools here. We also waive article publishing charges (APCs) for Ukrainian corresponding authors publishing in gold open-access journals.

In the pursuit to support Ukraine, we also organized the ‘Ukrainian Researchers Workshop series’, which took place on the 9th and 10th of October'23.

Day one of the workshop series focused on skills for editors, trends, and journal development. Day two of the series addressed the author's best practices, ethics, and reviewer skills.

For researchers who were not able to join the workshop online or found themselves unable to join owing to limited seats, please visit Elsevier webinars for Ukraine for recordings of the workshops.

Ukrainian Researchers Workshop

Monday, 9 October, 15:00 EEST
Sessions for journal Editors, Duration: 3 hours

Tuesday, 10 October, 15:00 EEST
Sessions for the broad Ukrainian research community, Duration: 3 hours

1. Introduction session for journal Editors - role of an Editor (Presentation by an Editor -in-Chief of an Elsevier journal + Q&A)

2. Research landscape trends (Research topics, Open Access, Interdisciplinary research and collaboration)

3. New and developing journals (Indexation, Engaging your audience, Steps to launch a new journal)

4. Author workshop (Best practices on writing scientific manuscripts, Science communication and public engagement, identifying appropriate journals, incl. using Journal Finder)

5. Ethics training (tools for trusted content)

6. Reviewer workshop (Best practices on reviewing scientific papers, Peer review innovation)

If you don’t have complimentary access to the Resource Centre, please follow the instructions below.

If this letter was sent to you directly as an editor or author with Elsevier, the individual ID and password will be in the covering email.

If you have received this via the National Academies of Poland and Ukraine:

1. Visit the registration page and complete the form. You will receive an instructional email containing your unique Registration ID and temporary password (this may take up to 48 hours).    

2. Visit the access page and enter your unique Registration ID and temporary password.

3. Create a new profile with your email address OR link your complimentary access to an existing profile via your email address. You now have access to

4. ScienceDirect; Scopus, Researcher Discovery, Researcher Academy and Mendeley.

5. Visit the Resource Centre Page for information on each resource, quick tutorials, and other information.

Published on: 24-11-2023
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